I don’t know about you, but I’m a sucker for a good box set. Just looking up from my laptop screen right now I can see box sets of Doctor Who (old school of course), Minder, Superman, Live Aid, Round the Twist (remember that!) that I’ve integrated into my collection over the years. It drives […]
Lee B on the TV! This is where you can find out about my telly stuff. On screen and off screen! In no particular order. The most recent TV things I’ve written about are below. Have a browse, or do a search – you might turn up something fun! To find out even more about the programmes I’ve made as “UpAndHappy! Productions” then pop over to www.upandhappy.com
And if there’s something you’d like me to write about on here, then why not get in touch!
Lee’s Promotional Trailers
Whilst at Made in Birmingham, and Big Centre Television before it, I produced a number of promotional trailers which served to advertise upcoming programmes. Here are some of them, but do remember that the programmes may not still be airing at the advertised time! A quick note about how the listings below work. Videos all […]
Lee’s News Items
Whilst working on “Birmingham News” at Made in Birmingham, I compiled a number of News items and packages. Here’s a selection of the News reports I produced and voiced, including some updates on previous material. All reports should include the original introductory script in the description. A quick note about how the listings below work. […]
The Story of Children’s Television
During the late Summer of 2015, Crossroads Check-in was drawing to a close, and my Tiswas Pies Again! series was getting ready to be launched on Big Centre Television, I was made aware of an exhibition was staged at the Herbert Art Gallery & Museum in Coventry entitled “The Story of Children’s Televison from 1946 […]